The sound of one of the instruments from the time for which a composer created his music can be very helpful in bringing us closer to the composer's own musical imagination.
The sound of historical music on a good modern instrument can help us to bring the musical ideas of historic music closer to our own musical thinking.
That is why the works of Matthias van den Gheyn are presented here both on a historical instruments like an harpsichord, an organ or a carillon from the time and region of his time and also on a modern grand piano.
Johannes Daniel Dulken is a representative of one of the most important Flemish harpsichord building families. His instruments, like those of the Flemish harpsichord maker Ruckers, have three different registers. But they have a larger tonal range. The magnificent external design of his instruments is not inferior to the tonal splendor that they produce. Here you can hear an unpublished sample set of an Harpsichord from the Beuermann Collection in the Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts in the original Valotti tuning, kindly provided by. realsamples.
Albertus Antoinius Hinz (1704-1785) Van den Gheyn's contemporary came from Hamburg but settled in Groningen in 1728, where he married the widow of Caspar Schnitger and created a series of organs in the tradition of the Schnitgers, with which he contributed to the North German and Dutch organ building tradition of the 18th century. Here you can hear a sample set of the organ from Sonus Paradisi.
Most of the historic carillons can be found in the Dutch-Belgian area. Here you can hear a combination of the Belgian carillon from the Ghent Belfry (1659) and one from the company Sonokinetik (Amsterdam) Carillon Sampleset produced based on real Dutch church bells.
The touch dynamics of the modern concert grand piano give the performer a wide range of tonal nuances of the tone. The grand pianos from the Steinway company build instruments that are so musically convincing in every sound intensity that their sound has already significantly influenced the listener's expectations of a good piano sound. The instrument is tuned equally. Here is an "Ivory3" sample set kindly provided from Synthogy ( USA/Massachustes)to be heard.